24 November, 2005

ross island perspective and atmospheric phenomena

Today I had to go do a job out at Pegasus field. Pegasus is the runway out on the permanent ice shelf that gets used once the sea ice starts breaking up. It's about 45 minutes outside of town. The airfield is so named because of a plane that crashed here some years back. It's still there, in fact.

(not my picture)

What made the trip memorable, besides just getting out of town for a bit, were the following two things. First, I witnessed the atmospheric effect known as a sun dog. And second, I saw Ross Island from a new perspective. Click on either of the following photos to pop up a much larger version.

This sundog picture has only had its contrast modified a bit, otherwise it's untouched.

Here, you can see how HUGE Erebus actually is. The bastard is almost 14,000 feet. From town, you can't see it. From the top of Ob Hill (considerably closer to Erebus than where I took this picture), it just looks like a taller hill. It's strange the way point of view can skew your perception of size.


Blaize said...

I saw a sundog here in Santa Cruz the other day. There was also a ring around the moon that night. It seemed weird to me, simply because in Colorado (where I grew up) sun dogs and moon rings, since they are an indication of ice crystals in the atmosphere, tend to indicated approaching bad weather. Here, however, it was fine, and stayed fine the next several days. It's like the dog wasn't doing its job. Bad dog.

11/26/2005 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous said...

You and you broken-ass, hanging-me-up, google-analytics.com bullshiz. 21st century MY EYE! More like neverty-second century. NEVERTY!

11/29/2005 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous said...

yo! i heard about the booze crisis. go the kitchen and get some fruit juice and yeast or organic raisians(wine yeast sill alive if organic). and make a tasty batch of prison vino.

12/01/2005 08:30:00 AM  

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