02 November, 2005

two things of note

This morning as I was on my way to work, it was condition 2 again. According to the USAP safe travel policy, condition 2 is defined by one or more of the following conditions: wind speeds of 48 to 55 knots sustained for one minute, wind chills of -75 to -100 F sustained for one minute, or visibility of less than 1/4 mile sustained for one minute. As I walked out the door and toward work, I noticed a strange humming noise pervading the scene. You know those plastic tubes you wave over your head? It sounded like about 14 of those all woooo'ing at once. Very surreal. It took some time before I realized that the wind was blowing across the exposed ends of any number of pipes and conduits attached to the various buildings around town.

It snowed a bunch here today. The snow we get is different from what I'm used to as snow, which is mostly in the Sierras. Our snow is much more like sand. It's very dry here, and very cold, so the snow doesn't stick to much. It gets compacted by the wind pretty quickly, but it also blows all over the place. It's strange.


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